Ellys Cleaning has a special commitment to you, our customer, regarding the security and privacy of your data. Respect for customers and the confidentiality of their information is very important to us.
Therefore, you, Ellys Cleaning customer, have the guarantee that your purchase is completely made in a safe environment.
We have a sophisticated software and firewall system that works together with several other actions to guarantee the security of all purchases made in our virtual store, regardless of the payment method chosen. All information you provide in the purchase process is fully encrypted.
All information that goes through our purchase process is automatically encoded by a proprietary encryption system. Thus, your personal data, the chosen payment method and any and all other information provided to Ellys Cleaning will be kept in absolute secrecy.
Use of Cookies
Ellys Cleaning respects and is concerned about the privacy of your data. We know that they were given to us by you as a form of trust in our company. In order to facilitate your navigation in our virtual store, we install cookies on your computer.
What are Cookies and what are they used for?
They are alphanumeric identifiers that we transfer to your computer, in order to enable the recognition of your browser (program that allows you to access our page – for example Google Chrome) by our system. We may use cookies to identify you if you return to our website.
For example: You were browsing our online store, you chose your products and placed them in your shopping cart. Unfortunately your internet connection is down and you would like to make the purchase you had started. If we didn’t save your cookies, you would have to go back to each product page and start the entire purchase process again. With the use of cookies, we store your shopping cart for a maximum period of 24 hours, facilitating your shopping experience.
What data about me will cookies provide?
Cookies do not contain personal information such as name, address, credit card number and other information considered confidential. Your information is only used by us for a few different purposes, such as facilitating the fulfillment of orders, data checking, sending communications, promotional materials and information.
In the process of purchasing any product, we will ask for your registration. Your personal data (name, address, city, zip code, among others) are necessary for us to identify you and finalize your order, in addition to guaranteeing the delivery of the product.
Can I not use cookies?
Web browsers allow you to block or delete existing cookies on your computer. They can still let you know if a cookie is stored on your computer. This can be configured on your own computer and is a personal choice. If you choose to block cookies, it will not be possible to register or make purchases in our virtual store.